Sponsor a Water Well

Water is life. A living being cannot survive without water. We in the first world countries probably don’t give water the same importance as millions of people around the world especially in Pakistan, Kashmir & Africa. We enjoy clean drinking water at the turn of a tap and watch it drain away without a thought. However, there are millions of people around the world who are still drinking contaminated water.

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Reclaim Gift Aid

Gift Aid It!Add 25% more to your donation at no cost to you. A Gift Aid declaration allows Islamic Welfare Trust to claim tax back on eligible donations. It means that for every £1 you donate to Islamic Welfare Trust we can claim back 25p, at no extra cost to you.

By ticking the "Yes" box, I agree I would like Islamic Welfare Trust to reclaim the tax on all qualifying donations I have made, as well as any future donations, until I notify them otherwise. I understand that if I pay less Income Tax and/or Capital Gains Tax than the amount of Gift Aid claimed on all my donations in that tax year I may be asked to pay any difference. I understand that Islamic Welfare Trust will reclaim 25p of tax on every £1 that I give.

What is Gift Aid?

Gift Aid does not cost you a penny more, but can add an additional 25p to every £1 you donate. When Islamic Welfare Trust receives a donation from a UK taxpayer, we're entitled to claim an amount of tax (calculated at the basic rate of income tax in that year) paid on that donation. Once you have given your permission for us to do this on your behalf, there is no need for you to do anything else.

All that is required is that you must be a taxpayer and that would have paid or will pay sufficient Income and/or Capital Gains Tax to cover all the Gift Aid claimed on all your donations in that tax year. Please note that it is your responsibility to pay any difference.

The amount of tax we claim will be 25% of the total value of your donations in that tax year. Furthermore, if you are a higher taxpayer, you are also entitled to claim the difference between the basic rate which we will claim and the amount of tax you have actually paid. For further details on how you can do this, please contact your tax office. If your tax situation changes and your gifts will no longer be eligible for the Gift Aid scheme please contact us and we will amend your record accordingly.

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Donation Total: £150.00 One Time

5 Facts about the Water Crisis in the World

  1. Global Water Scarcity: Over 2.2 billion people worldwide lack access to clean, safe drinking water, making water scarcity a pressing global issue.
  2. Health Impact: Contaminated water sources are a leading cause of diseases, contributing to over 485,000 deaths annually from diarrhoea alone.
  3. Gender Disparities: Women and girls often bear the burden of water collection, spending hours each day fetching water, which limits their educational and economic opportunities.
  4. Economic Consequences: Water scarcity hinders economic development, leading to lower agricultural productivity and potential conflicts over limited water resources.
  5. Environmental Stress: Climate change is the biggest contributor to the world’s water crisis. It is the leading cause of frequent droughts and water resource depletion.

Why Sponsor a Water Well in Communities in Need

Sponsoring a water well in impoverished communities, such as those in Pakistan, Bangladesh (Rohingya Refugee Camps), Afghanistan, and Africa, is crucial for several reasons:

  1. Lifesaving Impact: Access to clean water through wells can drastically reduce waterborne diseases, saving lives, especially among vulnerable populations like children and the elderly.
  2. Empowering Communities: Reliable access to water allows communities to focus on education, economic activities, and overall well-being rather than struggling to secure this basic necessity.
  3. Gender Equality: Building wells can help alleviate the burden on women and girls who often bear the responsibility of water collection, enabling them to pursue education and employment opportunities.
  4. Sustainable Development: Investing in water infrastructure promotes long-term sustainability and resilience in the face of climate change and water scarcity.
  5. Global Solidarity: By sponsoring a water well, you contribute to global efforts to combat the water crisis and uplift communities facing some of the most challenging circumstances.

Sponsoring a water well is a great way to make a difference in the lives of those affected by the water crisis. Your sponsored water project will offer hope and a brighter future for communities in need.

Number of Deaths due to Drinking Contaminated

  • Daily

    Approximately 6,000 people die every day due to water-related diseases caused by drinking contaminated water.

  • Weekly

    Roughly 42,000 people die every week as a result of consuming contaminated water.

  • Monthly

    Approximately 180,000 people lose their lives caused by contaminated water on a monthly basis.

  • Yearly

    Globally, over 2.2 million people die each year due to diseases related to the consumption of contaminated water.

What is the best charity in Islam?

Prophet ﷺ said:

“The best form of charity is by giving water.


Give the best charity and help those that are less fortunate.

Give the Gift of Water

Imagine the power of a simple act – the act of giving. When you sponsor a water well, you’re not just providing water; you’re offering hope, health, and a brighter future to communities in need. It’s the gift of life itself.

Clean water transforms lives, empowering families to thrive, children to learn, and communities to prosper. With your help, we can turn the tide on the global water crisis. Join us in the mission to ‘Give the Gift of Water’ today and make a lasting impact. Together, we can bring clean, safe water to those who need it most. Let’s change lives, one well at a time.

Effects of Climate Change on Water Supplies

Many parts of the world are severely under stress due to the shortage of drinking water. Because of pollution and over-abstraction, the whole ecosystem is slowly falling apart. Rivers and canals which once were the signs of life now are running dry. According to scientists, the combined effects of climate change and an increase in population are likely to put increasing pressure on our natural water resources. If we do not act now then billions of people will end up without access to clean drinking water.

Sponsor a water well and provide communities with the opportunity to prosper, leaving poverty behind.

Effects of Climate Change on Water Supplies

Many parts of the world are severely under stress due to the shortage of drinking water. Because of pollution and over-abstraction, the whole ecosystem is slowly falling apart. Rivers and canals which once were the signs of life now are running dry. According to scientists, the combined effects of climate change and an increase in population are likely to put increasing pressure on our natural water resources. If we do not act now then billions of people will end up without access to clean drinking water.

Sponsor a water well and provide communities with the opportunity to prosper, leaving poverty behind.

Water Charity, You Can Trust

Since the turn of the century, the Islamic Welfare Trust has been building clean water projects across the world. With your generous support, we provide clean drinking water to communities in Pakistan, Bangladesh (Rohingya Muslims), Afghanistan, Yemen, Gaza and Africa. Whether you donate a water pump in Pakistan, sponsor a water tank in Yemen or build a water pump in Afghanistan, your donation will make a positive difference in the lives of people benefiting from your donation.

When donating to a water appeal remember the hadith, “Water is the Best Charity.“ Therefore, you are not only helping someone in need but you are setting up a Sadaqah Jariyah (continuous charity) for yourself and your loved ones.

Sponsor a Water Well – Feedback Method

Once we’ve received your donation along with your preferred country where you want to build the water well, we will identify the best location where once built maximum people can benefit from it.

After the completion of your well, we’ll send you photographs/videos showing the pump/well in working order and people benefiting from it.

Please don’t forget to provide your contact details at the time sponsoring a water well, so we have your details to confirm the plaque details.

Islamic Welfare Trust Donation Policy

Alhamdulillah, our name clearly gives the message. We are an Islamic Charity aiming to help the Ummah in need. This is how our donation policy works:

  1. Your donation is your Amanah 
  2. We will spend your donation on the project you donated for.
  3. For every Emergency Appeal e.g. Pakistan Floods Appeal, Gaza Emergency Appeal, Yemen Emergency Appeal or Afghanistan Emergency appeal, we operate a 100% Donation Policy – no admin, no salary
  4. Zakat: 100% Zakat Policy
  5. 100% Transparency Policy – You can find the full details of our expenses by visiting the Charity Commission website.

FAQ about IWT’s Donation Policy

How do we cover our expenses?

We roughly spend about £25,000 (this is the top-end figure actual expenses are always lower) on wages, travel, marketing, rent and administration of the charity. Between £15k and £20k is covered by Gift Aid, while the remainder is covered by taking a small percentage (not exceeding 10%) from donations, excluding Zakat and Emergency Appeals.

We promise to spend £9 out of every £10 donated to us. Insha’Allah

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