Bangladesh Floods Appeal

Heavy rains have led to rivers bursting their banks causing widespread flooding across many regions of Bangladesh. So far over 4 million people have been affected by the Bangladesh floods. As part of the Bangladesh Floods Appeal, the Islamic Welfare Trust is raising funds to send life-saving food, shelter & financial aid to affected families.

Donate generously towards our Bangladesh Floods Appeal and help provide life-saving food aid to Bangladeshi families affected by floods.

£20 will help provide hot meals for 10 people

£35 will help provide a food pack for a family

£100 will provide financial aid to a family to rebuild their lives

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Reclaim Gift Aid

Gift Aid It!Add 25% more to your donation at no cost to you. A Gift Aid declaration allows Islamic Welfare Trust to claim tax back on eligible donations. It means that for every £1 you donate to Islamic Welfare Trust we can claim back 25p, at no extra cost to you.

By ticking the "Yes" box, I agree I would like Islamic Welfare Trust to reclaim the tax on all qualifying donations I have made, as well as any future donations, until I notify them otherwise. I understand that if I pay less Income Tax and/or Capital Gains Tax than the amount of Gift Aid claimed on all my donations in that tax year I may be asked to pay any difference. I understand that Islamic Welfare Trust will reclaim 25p of tax on every £1 that I give.

What is Gift Aid?

Gift Aid does not cost you a penny more, but can add an additional 25p to every £1 you donate. When Islamic Welfare Trust receives a donation from a UK taxpayer, we're entitled to claim an amount of tax (calculated at the basic rate of income tax in that year) paid on that donation. Once you have given your permission for us to do this on your behalf, there is no need for you to do anything else.

All that is required is that you must be a taxpayer and that would have paid or will pay sufficient Income and/or Capital Gains Tax to cover all the Gift Aid claimed on all your donations in that tax year. Please note that it is your responsibility to pay any difference.

The amount of tax we claim will be 25% of the total value of your donations in that tax year. Furthermore, if you are a higher taxpayer, you are also entitled to claim the difference between the basic rate which we will claim and the amount of tax you have actually paid. For further details on how you can do this, please contact your tax office. If your tax situation changes and your gifts will no longer be eligible for the Gift Aid scheme please contact us and we will amend your record accordingly.

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Donation Total: £20.00 One Time

Bangladesh Floods – the Destruction is Everywhere

Everywhere you look there’s destruction. Bangladesh floods have not only destroyed lives but it has also destroyed the livelihoods of millions of people and has damaged or destroyed key infrastructures like schools, hospitals, roads, water sources and power stations. Unfortunately, due to climate change, these floods are going to be a common theme. Bangladesh is one of the most vulnerable countries to climate change.

By donating to Bangladesh Floods Appeal, we will not only help provide life-saving aid rather we will be giving a chance to a family to rebuild their lives. Donate now and help save lives in Bangladesh.

Floods, Earthquakes & Natural Disasters – Who suffers the most?

Unfortunately, like any other disaster, be it flood, earthquake or man-made war – it’s the women, children, elderly and disabled who suffer the most. Bangladesh’s flood situation has been the same. The hardest-hit group of people during these floods have been women, children, the elderly and the disabled. Help us bring some ease and normalisation to their lives. Donate now to Bangladesh Floods Appeal.

Bangladesh Floods Appeal – #TeamIWT on the ground

Together with you, we can prevent further suffering of our Bangladeshi brothers and sisters. Since the start of the Rohingya Crisis, IWT has been working in Bangladesh. We have been regularly providing food, water, shelter and financial aid to thousands of people in Rohingya Refugee Camps. We have also supported many local families and organisations who have assisted Rohingya Muslims.

Right now, our team has travelled to the flood-affected areas and has started distributing aid. The message is clear. They need food to save lives.

Donate now and help deliver life-saving food aid to Bangladesh Flood Victims.

Bangladesh Floods – Dark Statistics

  • 4.3 million people are affected by floods
  • 7 districts are partly or completely submerged underwater
  • 2.1 million women are vulnerable due to a lack of shelter
  • 3 million children are vulnerable to diseases like cholera, diarrhoea, dengue and malaria
  • 300,000 elderly are in urgent need of food and water aid
  • 600,000 disabled require urgent humanitarian assistance

Help Bangladesh Flood Victims and Save Yourself from Hell Fire

Allah’s Messenger صلى الله عليه وسلم said:

“Protect yourself from hell-fire even by giving a piece of date as charity.”

(Al-Bukhari and Muslim)

Disaster can Strike Anywhere, Anytime

Unfortunately, recent human history has emphatically confirmed this reality. Since the turn of the century, we have seen disaster after disaster unfold, some natural but predominantly manmade. As a Muslim Humanitarian Charity, it’s crucial for us to have emergency funds readily available to respond swiftly to these disasters.

Whether it’s the Gaza Emergency Appeal, Yemen Emergency Appeal, Syrian Refugee Crisis, Turkey-Syria Earthquake Appeal, Pakistan Floods Appeal, Bangladesh Floods Appeal, Rohingya Crisis Appeal, or Africa Drought Appeal, our ability to continue helping those affected by these conflicts, wars, and crises relies on your ongoing support. We urge you to donate your Sadaqah and Zakat to these appeals, aiding in the protection of lives throughout the year and in times of crisis.

However, if you are looking to build a Masjid as Sadaqah Jariyah for your loved ones, or if you wish to build a water pump, donate a food pack, sponsor a sewing machine, or need to give Kaffarah for Breaking an Oath, consider our appeals. Donate to the Ramadan Food Appeal, the Ramadan Zakat Appeal, or simply donate your Zakat to assist the poor and needy around the world. Insha’Allah, donate with confidence for the sake of Allah.

Islamic Charity – Under the Supervision of Islamic Scholars

Islamic Welfare Trust strictly adheres to a 100% donation policy for Emergency Appeals and Zakat, ensuring complete transparency with details available on the Charity Commission website. We promise to allocate £9 out of every £10 of general donations directly to those in need, honouring your trust and our commitment to the Ummah. All our activities and projects receive full approval from scholars who are part of our board of trustees.

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